辣數碼 - 產品客製化服務

作者Lexuma Admin 0條評論

辣數碼 (Lexuma) 提供產品客製化服務,為客人提供多元化服務。

辣數碼 (Lexuma) 歡迎客戶訂製OEM或客製化產品,我們盡力滿足客戶的需要,提供適切的產品。最近,Citrix System Inc. 為了感謝員工在疫情下即使需要遙距工作,仍然謹守崗位。因此為每位員工送上XGerm Ultra 多功能手機UV紫外線消毒器以作感謝,並希望在每一份包裝内附上一封感謝信。

Lexuma 辣數碼 準備過程 物流 客製化服務 OEM 感謝卡 感謝信 印刷 customized service customization shipment xgerm ultra uv sanitizer sterilization disinfectant

我們收到這個客製化的要求後,便為Citrix System Inc.列印感謝信並放在XGerm Ultra的包裝内。最後,把包裝好的禮物寄往位於馬拉西亞、泰國、韓國、新加坡、菲律賓以及印度的員工手上。

Lexuma 辣數碼 客製化服務 OEM 感謝卡 感謝信 印刷 customized service customization shipment xgerm ultra uv sanitizer sterilization disinfectant 貼紙





Lexuma always welcomes to offer OEM and customized services for our customers. Recently, the company, Citrix Systems Inc., want show their appreciation to employees on their huge efforts during the COVID-19 period. The company would like to deliver the Multi-functional UV Sanitizer XGerm Ultra to their employees as a gift, and would like to enclose a personalized letter in each XGerm Ultra unit. Therefore, we prepared every unit of XGerm Ultra with a personalized letter from the company. These gifts are then sent off to Citrix employees around the globe, such as Malaysia, Thailand, Korea, Singapore, Philippines and India.

If you would like to send a present to your employees or customers with Lexuma products, you may choose to add a thank you card, a letter or a personalized sticker with the products. You can send us your design and we will try our best to fulfill your needs.

Please feel free to contact us and tell us your needs on the customized services.

<More about XGerm Series>
